15 Little Known Secrets For Marketing To Women On Facebook includes chapters on: A Startling Peek Inside A Womans Mind!, -The 15 Dirty Little Secret......
15 Little Known Secrets For Marketing To Women On Facebook - (MRR)
Table of Contents:
Part I: A Startling Peek Inside A Womans Mind!
(Teresa Love) How I Found These SecretsBeing a woman myself, I understand so much about what makes us uniqueand what our needs are.But how I first found these secrets for marketing to women was in mywork as Director of Sales for a Direct Sales company who marketedprimarily to women.
It was my job was to help my company tap into those factors that made a woman want to buy.I NEEDED to know:
* What is her life like? * What makes her buy? * What are her HOT Buttons? * What does she need/want? * What makes a product irresistible to her?
What keeps her coming back to buy more?
Women are a POWERFUL force on the Internet today a force that will only be increasing in the coming months and years!
Fact is that women are responsible for or directly influence almost 81 of Internet buying decisions.
In addition, lots of women are in charge of thepurchasing for companies that they work for (have you thought aboutthat??).
*Maybe you already market to the female audience and want toincrease your knowledge, sales, and response. *Maybe you have been thinking that your product or service would beperfect marketed for women, but you are not sure how to move intothis market. *Or, perhaps, you are just reading these secrets with an open mind thinking that maybe you can use this information for a future venture.No matter what your reason for wanting to increase your knowledge aboutmarketing to women on Facebook...
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