Auction Pro Blue, high quality cgi/pearl auction script
You can startup your very own auction site like ebay.
These scripts have tons of premium features including a feedback system and a forum.
You can also edit the categories to create your own niche auction and customize the look.
If you wanted to startup an auction selling just cars you could change all the categories to different brands of cars and price ranges.
Please note.. This is a CGI/ Pearl Script and should only be installed by a person that knows how to do it.
You can change the look of the Jewelry Auction PHP Script anyway you like!
You have full Master Resell Rights
License: *************************************
[YES] Can put your name on the sales page. [YES] Can be sold. [YES] Can be packaged. [YES] Can be offered as a bonus. [YES] Can be sold on auction sites. [YES] Can be published offline. [YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights. [YES] Can be given away for free (any format). [YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.