Tired of your News letters and email messages not getting through, or remaining unopened? Discover How A Revolutionary (But Yet Very Simple) Tool That Will Get Your Messa......
Contact My Members - You Will Love It, And So Will Your Members! - (MRR)
Tired of your News letters and email messages not getting through, or remaining unopened?
Discover How A Revolutionary (But Yet Very Simple) script Will GUARANTEE That Your Message Reaches Your Members Anytime, Every Time & Without Fail!
The Statistics for Email Are Not Encouraging
On June 12, 2006, the Nielsen Norman Group published the Email Newsletter Usability Report. This report found that:
Only 19 of newsletters are thoroughly read by the recipients.
Readers primary method of dealing with email newsletters is to skim them
The fact that email users continue to receive more and more email has caused them to become even more stressed and impatient when going through their inbox.
Email recipients are increasingly using spam filters as an easy way to eliminate newsletters they no longer wish to receive.
RSS is NOT the Answerat Least Not Yet....
The Email Newsletter Usability Report found that 82 of email users had no idea what the term RSS referred to, and that people scan headlines and blurbs within RSS feeds with more abandon than they scan email newsletters!
And thats why we developed our "Contact My Members" Tool
Your Message is GUARANTEED to Get Through!
All it takes is a simple quick install of "Contact My Members" and you can rest assured your message whatever it is gets through to your members. All of them.
Think about it. EVERYONE has a homepage the start page that is visited every time a new browser is launched. And your message will be right there, at the top of your members homepage impossible to miss.
Your message will not interfere with their normal homepage. Your member will still be directed to their personal favorite Yahoo, MSN, Google, or whatever. But, the benefit to both of you is that YOUR MESSAGE will appear right at the top of the page. Not large, not blocking anything, but it will be there, right in front of your members eyes, guaranteed to be seen.
Here is a screenshot of our "JV Homepage", which is made with the Contact My Members Script. Notice my "homepage" is STILL Google, same as before!
Incredibly Simple to Implement and Update!
Simple Installation of this PHP Script Gets You Started Quickly! Just follow the simple instructions and you will be up and running in minutes! !
Admin Area Gives You Full Control From the scripts admin area, you have full control over the appearance and content of your messages.
Update your messages as often as you wish and it will never be obtrusive to your members.
Simple Member Activation Your members merely enter their name and normal homepage into your simple form, submit the information and are given a link to use in the place of
their normal homepage link. They will still be directed to their regular homepage, but your messages will appear at the top of the page!
Your Message Appears Automatically Once you have defined the appearance and content of your message, and your members are using the specially generated links as their
homepage link, your messages will always AUTOMATICALLY appear at the top of the page, EVERY TIME your member starts their browser!
You Will Love It, And So Will Your Members!
100 of Your Messages Will Be Delivered You will never have to worry about spam filters or other deliverability issues again!
Your Members Will Appreciate It Not only will YOU be happy with reaching every member, whenever you like with a new message, your members will appreciate being in the know,
automatically receiving updates as they are needed, without having to wait for the next email if it even gets through!
Increase Your Sales and Member Response Think of the results you are seeing now with your email messages. Now multiply that many times and imagine what it would be like if EVERY MESSAGE reached EVERY MEMBER! Awesome thought, isnt it?
So Easy To Setup and Operate Youll be up and running in minutes! Theres hardly a learning curve to this script at all just insert your HTML code in the proper box to create your
members message and get them to use the special links for their homepage, and you are all set. Simple right?
Easy to Generate Member Interest Many of your members will want to take advantage of this by using your special home page link.
A good way to generate even more interest is to offer special gifts or incentives that will only appear in the special messages from the script.
Fully Customizable When you choose the Private Label Rights option below, so you are free to tweak and edit any part of it you wish, as well as sell it as your OWN!
(Personal Use Owners can STILL customize thier main page, so it will fit seamlessly in your site!)
The Time to Get Started is Now!
As email users become even more buried in spam and list response rates continue to dwindle, isnt it time to make use of technology that allows you to regain the edge?
No, its not the time to give up totally on email, but IT IS the time to put alternatives in place that work, and be a step ahead of your competition.
This script works
It works to reach every one of your members who uses the special link as their homepage link, giving them updates, offers, and important messages you can change at a moments notice messages you know WILL BE SEEN.
Let me be honest with you (as always):
You may not be able to persuade all your members to edit their homepage link.
The fact is, that even if a small percentage of your members do so, it could still mean a SIGNIFICANT difference in the total number of your members who see your message and click through to your offers.
And thats the bottom line!!!
The Contact My Members tool is ASSURED to get more eyeballs on each and every one of your messages. And more eyeballs on your messages translate into increased response.
And if you're a marketer like myself, increased response means more profits for you! Dont delay put this script to work for you today.
Retail Value $47.00
Contact My Members Comes With:
* Resellers Website.
* Professionally Designed Graphics.
* Master Resell Rights License.
* Earnings Disclaimer:
Although we provide powerful tools which can help boost income, the results are dependent on many factors outside our control. We are not therefore able to give any guarantees about the level of income that you will attain by using any of our products.
You have full Master Resell Rights
[YES] Can put your name on the sales page.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can be published offline.
[YES] Can convey (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can be given away for free (any format).
[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights.
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